




This page contains texts, pictures and documents of historical interest. New material will be posted continuously.

The village name Rossbol shall, according to Aksel Lindström, have arised from a small horsebreed called Ross-horses that was raised here a long time ago. That name together with the old term bol, formed the village name Rossbol.

Another theory is presented by Bo Eddie Rossbol. The word ross may be as old as from the vikings when horses were called Ross. On Gotland they were called Russ. Rather similar? The ending bol has different meaning througout Sweden. In småland, a bol is a wet field when in other parts of Sweden, it means a form of simple stable.
The question is: did the village get its name from the horse or did the horse get it from the village?

åkerdelning 1759

In the year 1759 the fields of Rossbol village were divided amongst the farms. The entire document can be found under Documents in the right menu.

karta 1869

Rossbols village before the estate distribution in year 1869.


One of Rossbols gateways was found in the 1950's.
Aksel Lindström made a drawing of it as it might have been mounted.